Friday, January 30, 2009

I love so many things

Hey Blog,

Good morning I thought I would get my thoughts out of the way here in the am.

I love rainbows and bunnies

I woke up this morning thinking of all the things that I loved. I know I know, I usually don't do the sappy stuff, but I figured.. why not!
Cheese and Crackers
A comfortable couch
This laptop computer
Ryan Seacrest
Danielle Alisa Prawdzik (she's my girlfriend and she's also the only one who reads my blog- love you monkey toes)
Online poker
Cheetos (notice a cheese theme)
Waking up at 9am
Going to bed at midnight
A peppercorn steak
The Superbowl
Pantene Pro V Conditioner- For Women of Color
and Redemption

and oh course you blog,


Thursday, January 29, 2009

I hate so many things

Hey Blog,

I hate reality television

Since I have been out of work I have had the opportunity to watch a lot of reality tv like; My Clothes Make Me Fat, Paris Hilton's- Who Wants to be my Slave... the news. I wish I was kidding when I was watching Headline News and the anchor said after Obama went on a tyrade about how CEO's that were bailed out gave themselves bonuses- he said " And on a lighter note, Obama is routing for the Steelers"

Here are more things I hate:
A car horn
An empty bottle of vodka
A 6 month old puppy with a name that rhymes with Lake
The wind on a sunny day
When there is no wind on a hot day
Gray Hair
Parking in Downtown Miami
Getting rabies (I don't have rabies, I just assume I would hate it if I got them)
Getting fat
A rash in my crotch
Superbowl interviews
and crime.

I love you though blog,


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sorry I didn't get you a present

Hello Blog,

Jake's Birthday

Jake is my mom's dog, he is 6 months old today. We had a clown and birthday party, with amazing ballon animals, ironcially all the clown could do were cats. He is scared to death of me and I'm suppose to be dog sitting him till Saturday and I can't get him to come out from under the bed. My mom left instructions on how to take care of him. They are so long I decided to put a binder on them and send them to a publisher in hopes it'll be the next "How to take care of a weird dog for Dummies". Someday, someday.

Filmed a commerical

I was in a commerical for Dick's Sporting Goods today. It's a national commerical so look for me in it in probably a few months or so. I'm the good looking one in the stands. I have done quit a bit of extra and film work.... always boring. All I did today was think of things that I would rather be doing like-

I would rather be punched by a baby
I would rather go on a date with a billy goat named roger
I would rather go to a PTA meeting
I would rather have my legs shaved
I would rather go to a soriety house and have them circle my flaws with a sharpie

that's all for now blog, I love you

Brian Sims

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The New Everything Blog

Dear Blog,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Brian Sims. I am out of work. Therefore I must blog. Here we go.

New President Today

Cool. I have always seen politics this way. We vote people in office because they should know what they are doing. The problem with the last President to me isn't that he didn't do a good job, honestly how do I know. It seems to blame one guy for a bad economy and high gas prices is a little ridiculous plus gas prices are down. I quit my job, I didn't lose it. I guess I could blame Bush for not getting another job, but I rather blame my resume... seems more logical. But it seems everyone hated Bush and McCain/Palin. I read an article today that said Palin was a target of the media and they made her look bad. But because of that the people didn't like them. I would agree that the media did make her look bad and that people didn't like her because of it, but oh well that's the way the world works. Everyone seems to like Barak Obama, even the media, which is a good thing why? Because good thoughts seems to create good feelings and good times. Today felt like that. Maybe it was because I had candy, but I rather think it's because today the American people seemed unified. Isn't that what a president really is? A leader who brings people together. So President Obama, congratulations so far so good. Hopefully people will feel better now.

The Biggest Loser

People cry to much on this show. Also, why do they vote people off? At the end it has to do with how much weight you lose. Stupid

Job Fair

Went to a job fair, which really should be called a job unfair. A TV station was advertising a job for a Creative Director for there new morning show. Now I happen to have a degree in Broadcasting and was probably the only person in the room qualified enough for that job, ironically I'm not even close to qualified. So why give false hope to people looking for a job? Just to say you have a job opening? Shame on you TV Station, shame on you.

That's all blog, still no job. Well full time. I will be doing a Dick's Sporting Good commercial on Thursday and next week I get to play a Reporter for some body's marketing campaign.

I love you Blog,

Brian Sims