Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Balloon Boy is my hero

Hey Blog,

I'll be honest, I love the stuff on the balloon boy. How rich that a Dad would spend time building an alien space craft that surveys rain clouds.

"So rain clouds, do you feel wet?" surveys alien space craft
"Sometimes." answers rain cloud
"Me too." as alien space craft puts his arms around rain cloud.

I don't fault the Dad for what he did, he's just trying to get on a reality tv show... and he did. Tool Academy

Fine for @#$

I was training for my half-marathon the other day and saw a sign that said "Fine for not picking up dogs waste $25-$200"

My first thought was to congratulate the dogs, because you know all the dogs got together in the early 90's and were like, "hey lets get back with these humans... let's make them pick up our crap!!!" then their evil plan was put into action.

Then I was wondering what is the difference between a $25 and let's say a $150 fine. Is it whether or not your dog ate corn the night before? Maybe it goes by weight, color or maybe texture

"Hey Bob, how was work today?" ask Steve at the bar
"Good, Steve.... I totally fined a chick and her dog for $125... you should have seen the size of his stool, it even have hotdogs in it!!!" as Bob gives Steve a high five
"What's that smell?"

good night blog,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Two In a Row... I'm like the Lions

wait the Lions lost... my bad.

Hey Blog,

Monday Night Football

So tonight Dani P and I are going to meet up with some friends to watch football together. Dani is really excited because she has been having a hard time finding friends. Well now here we go to watch football, drink some brews and have a good time. However, it got me to think.... Dani hates watching football. You see when we first started dating we would go watch football all the time... she would talk stats, explain the nickel defense and she even knew the New England fight song. Now, after two years of being together, she refuses to watch. Except now we have "new friends" she's a fan again. Beware new friends, a year from now we'll all be watching Hollywood Housewives or Toddlers and Tiaras instead of football.

Some random thoughts

I got a letter today that said "to whom it may concern," that's actually my cousins name... I bet he gets a ton of mail.

I was in a dunk tank over the weekend, all I could keep thinking was... "now I know how chicken nuggets feel"

If you don't shave between your eyes we call that a unibrow.... but if we do we just call them eyebrows... shouldn't they be could bi-brows?

Speaking of shaving, I shave my feet.

Sometimes when I text in the car... i'm swearing at the other drivers

I call them snowwoman because they have no junk.

okay that's all blog, have a good day.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crazy life... crazy people and that's my excuse

Hey Blog,

So apparently people do read this blog.. and I it's been a super long time since I've updated it. In my defense, I feel like I have a miraid of outlets to share my personal excursion. However, you made it known... actually you demanded that I blog... So here I go.

I don't trust my toaster. Sometimes I think I'm going to leave it in too long, so I stand over it and watch it. However, I can't tell whether or not it's actually being toasted, cause all I see are those red hot grills on the side... So I hit the up button and sure enough it isn't toasted. Of course, you can't just push it back down.. cause the toaster likes to punish you for not having faith in it.

Law of Attraction
I have been reading a lot of books lately about the law of attraction. It simply states that what you think about is what you attract. So I have decided to put it to the test. It totally works, I now drive a porsche, travel all the time and I have a lion's tail. Thanks Universe.

I have been trying to grow a mustache, mostly because i'm 35 and was hoping that I still didn't grow facial hair like a 12 year old girl. I do. However, I do have the chest of a 12 year old boy... that's right one hair named Harold.

In an effort to create synergy in my life I have decided to use more words like synergy and to use every avenue possible to create my own online community. So here are all the ways we can touch each other.... wait, twitter: facebook: more facebook: type in The Gator Morning show

love you blog,