Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to Get Rich Without Even Trying

You can't. I have been reading a lot of self-help books recently. The latest is called "The Science of Getting Rich," by Wallace D. Wattles. Its a quick read with some delightful nuggets of info for those of us on the path to riches. It impressed me that Wattles wrote this book in 1910, before the invention of TV and really everything else I see around me.

One of the most impressive principles he spoke of is to visualize your goals as though it already exist. Wattles goes on to say how everything you see around you started as a single thought within one person and now like a magician those ideas have become items. Again this was written in 1910. Imagine if Wattles lived today, I'm sure he would be more than impressed.

I have always wondered if I went back in time and could show my ancestors the internet, they probably would grab sticks and destroy the "demon box" because to them it would be like black magic. However, now we are surrounded by former invisible ideas that are real tangible items. I'm so impressed with that mind that was able to come up with TV or texting or the Ipad.

So the key to getting Rich is to just image it. To create a world in your mind that has you with all the stuff, money, houses, people, fruits, DVD's whatever it is that you want. Focus on your creative ideas and then act on it. Make it so. It's that easy.

If I look back at the past few months of my life, I have been working on using my mind to meditate on the direction that I wanted my life to go. I knew I had talents and I knew that if I focused hard enough that my goals would be completed. They were and with the exact precision of the world that I created in my mind. Wattles book served as a reminder of what I have already done and continue to do.

But why not be rich? According to Wattles his method to get rich is a 100% guarentee. If you just thought as you read that last sentence "Come on, give me a break," then you've already failed. It only works if you want it to and if you follow his Certain way.

I too have found some obstacles that interupt my perfect mind world. First of all, sometimes I don't believe I deserve it. I realized a few years ago that my personal relationship wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be. You see at my core I found that I didn't believe in myself. I didn't think I was good looking, I deserved it, or that an attractive girl would even like me. However, one day it just dawned on me that I wasn't doing myself any favors by holding on to these negative thoughts, within months after letting them go I found a beautiful girlfriend. We've been together for two years now.

Okay so back to getting rich. I currently have more money than I have ever had. It wasn't anything magical, I didn't win the lottery or find gold. All I really did was think about what I wanted and keep my negative thoughts out of my perfect mind world. We really do deserve anything we want.

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