Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Death and the Birthday Fairy

Hey Blog,

My birthday was last week and I realize other than Jesus no one gets a fictional character for there birthday. Halloween has ghosts, you lose your teeth, you get a fairy... why not a magical birthday fairy that leaves you present at the foot of your bed. Or an aging midget that kicks you in the shins... anything would be cool.

Michael Jackson
He died. It's sad, although it seems to me that everybody forgot that he was messed up in the head. If you ever wanted to be Rich and Famous... look at the life of Michael Jackson. I get the rich part... I would love to have an indoor pool full of gummy bears and jelly beans, but I couldn't handle not being able to leave my palace without having people all over my grills. Every where you went people would bother you, pulling at you, taking your picture... no wonder he was crazy.

Was long. Seriously that movie needed an intermission. Plus the birthday midget left my son a transformer for his birthday, I think you need a degree from MIT to figure the thing out. It made me feel dumb, like Microsoft Vista and people who can speak more than one language.

that's all, love you blog

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hey Blog,

I hate summer television, I never understood why they can't keep our shows running all year long. I mean I have to work all year long. It seems it would make sense for advertising. Therefore I am forced to watch shows like the bachelorette. Here is every conversation on the bachlorette

"So Kipton tell me about yourself?" said the bachelorette
" Well I'm the kind of guy that never self analizes himself."
" Your cute lets make out!"

I have had the opportunity to observe parents of little kids the past few weeks and I thinks it funny the interactions they have. This was a recent interactions between my co-host Blue and Tim Mcginnis from Channel 15 as their kids played together.

"So Tim how you liking the new job at Channel 15" asked Blue
"It's going really good Blue.... hey hey put that snake head down.... everybody is really nice." Tim replies
"Yeah you do a great... hey don't drink that battery acid... job over there... no no son, don't choke that bunny." Blue exclaims
"Thanks, I really like your sh.... HEY!!!! DON'T HANG YOUR SISTER FROM A TREE!!!... ow at Gator."

I love kids. I was going to book a party at Wee Jump and go to the parks and invite random kids to go.. but then I thought, that's a really bad idea.

love you blog,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Being a Celebrity

Hey Blog,

Dani P is on an Episode of Burn Notice tonight on USA. It is the start of her celebrity. She has mentioned several times that she wants to be on a reality tv show, actually the bachlor... I think she broke up with me.

I'm a celebrity get me out of here
I had a chance to watch this show last night. It sucked. Really two Baldwin brothers and Sanjaya?!?!? My pool guy is more of a celebrity, he use to be on Eight is Enough. Anyway, I just want to be famous enough to be on a celebrity weight-loss show or a guess briefcase on Deal or No Deal.

Hide a key
So after having to break into my new place 7 times I had the bright idea of making another key and hiding it. Unless you the biggest idiot in the world you should have no problem finding my key. It's under the only thing on my porch it could be under... the buddha statue. Great idea... might as well just leave the door open with posted hours of when i'm gone.

love you blog,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am Legendary

Hey Blog,

I was asked to place "The Legendary" before the name of an artist coming to town. I was always under the assumption that you had to be dead to be "Legendary" but appartently not. Just really super awesome and old.

New Cell Phone
I have always wondered why anybody changes their cell number. The area codes don't matter and honestly it's kind of a pain. Now the reason I do is because I always like to have a local number for the area I live in, I just think it's smart business. However, I don't think that was the reason the person who had the number before gave up their number. Let me explain to you a recent conversation

"Hello" I answer
" Is Trina, there." says the Gruff voice
"Sorry you have the wrong number." I explain
"I called xxx-xxxx is that right."
"Yes that's right but..." he cuts me off
"You @#$ #$%$% $%&$ #$@#$ G@#$@# h^&^&j#$%#$%y MY GIRL" he yells
"Ummm NO... My name is Adam Lambert don't you read Rolling Stone!!! " I hang up

ha ha ha....

love you blog,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Celebrity Addictions

Hey Blog,


We had Darius Rucker over the weekend perform at the House of Blues and I thought it was interesting the reaction that people who meet him had. Rude? he wasn't..... he just wasn't engaging. On stage, he was amazing... worked the crowd, very passionate. It lead me to wonder if in fact all celebrities are robots. I have always thought for years that celebrities start out as people, but as they age they are secretly put in a mountain cavern to live out there years while a perfect human robot replica finishes out there lives. It would make sense. Anyone else see Lionel Ritchie lately? Hasn't age a day since 1982!!

MTV Movie Awards

Now I'm all about dropping a good F bomb here and there, but what is the point if the TV network that airs your programming won't allow it. Also does anyone turn to their TV watching partner and go "no idea what swear word they used.... I think it was in french." Was the Enimem thing real? I think it was staged like Princess Diana death and Regis' career. I did like the Ben Stiller tribute with Triumph the insult dog, puppets are always funny. I would be ticked though if I was a puppet and I saw that guy that shoves his hands up my inners walk out of the bathroom without washing he's hands.

Jay Leno is dead
Or so I thought, come to find out that NBC is just moving his show. You would have thought by the coverage that Jay Leno had invented popcorn or parachute pants ( I miss how comfy they were, plus they had so many pockets.) He isn't even leaving TV... he's just replaces Law and Order: Walmart Shoplifting Unit.

Got to go blog, it's 90 plus weather and the beach is calling my name. I know what your thinking... great I'm hearing voices again!!!