Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Va-uncation In the Keys

Hey Blog,

Not sure what to call it when you don't have a job, yet you get to enjoy three days in a 2 million dollar house that has a beautiful scene of the Atlantic Ocean. I call it "awesome" for now. It's interesting that since I have been out of work I have been to 19 states, have experienced everything from Atlantic City to Key West. Maybe I'll stay unemployed, oh wait I miss eating and gambling and insurance... well I don't miss insurance just miss my Geico.

I usually don't like the homeless. But in Key West, all I could do was hi-five them. Really if your going to be homeless, pick paradise. If your homeless in a city where it ever drops below 50, that's just stupid. Sorry to kick you while your down homeless, but lets face it, you have choices.

Okay blog I'm tired from being on vacation. I love you. So sorry I haven't blogged for a few days but this was the laptop I had was using, I think it was built for a hobbit.


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