Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Hulkster

Hey Blog,

Well some good news. Next week I have a fly-in for a job interview. Now earlier this week I mentioned how I had a pre-interview and that's like a first day. Well the fly-in is like the 3rd date where you hope you can go inside, drink a little wine and maybe smooch a little by nights end. It is also the pivotal moment where you hope she extends an olive branch for you to enter into a relationship, because lets face it, you've been lonely for way to long and your also losing the renters for your house you can't sell and you need the money (sorry I bailed on the metaphor). So wish me luck!!

What is Naked
I was watching a few minutes of the E original "The Girls Next Door." First of all, not a great title, the girl that lives next door to me is pushing 70 and has a hump. I noticed during the episode that they were topless a lot and you could see everything except the nipple was blurred out. So the nipple is the only thing that would make the bare boob naked? I have also seen a naked woman paint her entire body with paint and that makes the tele. So what is the male equivalent? If I go to Home Depot and invest in a semi-gloss moss russet and paint my "Hulkster" (sorry that was it's nickname given when I was in the 7th grade) it's okay for me to catch a ball game or go rollerblading on the beach!!! (I apologize for that mental picture). That is my test for the day so if I don't blog tomorrow look for me on

That's all blog- I love you

ps my brother was the production manager for the movie Ballast and it's up for a Spirit Award tonight. So go big bro!!!


Anonymous said...

from now on, Im wearing pasties.

in public

Anonymous said...

oh now I totally get how the flying in interview is like the 3rd date...especially when you compare it to losing your renters in your house and still being unemplyoed.

"They" say that finding love is the hardest thing in the world. Like, finding renters in your house in Nashville and getting a job is easy, finding love, not.

So even though you are comparing your fly in on Monday to our year long relationship and that seems really creepy to me, I kind of get it now..

Thanks for the metaphor.

I hope you find what youre looking for on Monday;)

lol :)..AND YES I am laughing out loud.....

I love you Bry ;)


<3 you