Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Pickle

Hey Blog,

It must be hater week, I had someone get mad at me because of my bio on the website. I can think of better things to get mad at like:
1) Injustice in Guam
2) The War in Iraq
3) The taste of sweet pickles
4) Obama on Leno
5) Jay Leno's bio
6) dead baby seals
7) Octomom (although she does has have 14 kids and should be Deca-four Mom)

Blood Drive
Not a big fan of giving blood. I keep having a recurring nightmare where I give blood then the nurse turns to me and says "Opps, you got no more!!" then she takes a bite of an eggplant. I know weird nightmare. Anyway come out to Broadway on the Beach today to give blood today from 11a-7p

Okay short one today... my body is achy and I think I have the bird flu. That's the last time I make out with a pigeon.

love you,

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