Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Place is Haunted

Hey Blog,

I know it's early but I didn't blog yseterday because I was on my way home from work yesterday and dangling over the side of a bridge was a school bus full of diabetic blind children. So sure enough my super human strength kicked in and I was able to pull the bus back to safety. Glad to say all the kids were safe but as you can imagine I was pooped out.

My radio station is haunted

So yesterday I had to switch out computers at my desk and sure enough nothing worked right after. It was one of those problems where everybody in the building was scratching their heads. I was trying to reconnect to the network but the entire time my computer was spinning in mid-air spewing pea soup all over my desk... crazy ghosts. Needless to say I never got on the network

Personal Trainer
He was nice like Bob, but I can't feel anything from my waist down... not sure if that is normal. However, I am 212 my goal is to get back to my birth weight 8 pounds 8 oz!!!

I love you blog,
Brian "JD" Sims


Anonymous said...

nice workout video. ha

Anonymous said...

I love the show! Im glad Blue is back too...its like a new friend and an old friend all in the morning. Keep up to great work, cant wait to meet you!